This is shaping up very nicely, Johnathan. The pacing is really good (unlike my interminable serial) - there's a good balance between answered/unanswered questions, and the drip-feed of information. The characters are engaging as well, even if I don't personally like them - obviously, liking a character is not a prerequisite to engage with them. But they are good characters.

So, I am enjoying diving into this world you have created and I'm looking forward to what's to come...

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Thanks for reading these first few chapters, Evie, and so pleased (and relieved) you're enjoying them. The main protagonist is a necessarily complicated character. Lots more to come!

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Yeah - I was getting the impression she's 'complicated'. Complicated is good though for a MC. She's certainly interesting, that's for sure...

I'm also looking forward to finding out more about this big extraterrestrial smarty.

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